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 Hair Structure and Chemistry Simplified, by John Halal

Hair Structure and Chemistry Simplified by John Halal

Most people are intimidated by chemistry because it’s usually presented with formulas, chemical symbols and long unpronounceable words, that seem to be written in some exotic, foreign language. Old wives tales and exaggerated marketing claims further confuse the issues by adding misinformation, that may be easy to understand, but is all too often incorrect.

Hair Structure and Chemistry Simplified separates fact from fiction and clears up the confusion. The direct approach overcomes the apprehension usually associated with learning chemistry. Professionals and consumers will find the information easy to understand and apply. The concepts presented in this book will empower you with the confidence that comes from knowing.

Click this link for more information: Hair Structure and Chemistry Simplified by John Halal

Milady’s Hair Care Product and Ingredients Dictionary, by John Halal

Milady's Hair Care and Product Ingredients DictionaryMilady’s Hair Care Product and Ingredients Dictionary contains a current and comprehensive list of the ingredients that are likely to be found in professional and retail hair care products.  Milady’s Hair Care Product and Ingredients Dictionary uses the International Nomenclature Cosmetic Ingredient (INCI) system, the commonly accepted nomenclature for all cosmetic products, and the name most likely to appear on the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) and the product’s label.  Common names are also included and referenced to the INCI name. Each ingredient definition includes its class, function, products its likely to be found in, other common and technical names and a phonetic pronunciation.

Click this link for more information: Hair-Care Product and Ingredients Dictionary (Milady’s Hair Care Product Ingredients Dictionary): Halal, John: 9781562539191: Books

Tricoligia E A Quimica Cosmetica Capilar, John Halal

HS&C PortugeseA maioria dos cabeleireiros tem pouca dificuldade em aprender os detalhes das ferramentas mecânicas da profissão: tesouras, escovas, pranchas e secadores. Este livro aplica o mesmo nível de importância às ferramentas químicas: mecanismos para coloração capilar, soluções para ondulações permanentes, relaxantes e alisantes químicos, xampus, condicionadores e produtos para estilização dos cabelos. Embora essas ferramentas tenham elevada importância no cotidiano dos profissionais de beleza, elas normalmente são mal interpretadas e mal compreendidas quanto às reações químicas que podem provocar no cabelo. Tricologia e a química cosmética capilar é o livro mais atual, abrangente e direto desse segmento. Ele explica de forma minuciosa a teoria e a aplicação dos conceitos essenciais da cosmetologia moderna e da química do cabelo, que geralmente não são abordadas em outros livros. Neste livro você encontra informações sobre os produtos utilizados atualmente nos grandes centros de beleza do mundo.

Hair-Care Product and Ingredients Dictionary (Milady’s Hair Care Product Ingredients Dictionary): Halal, John: 9781562539191: Books

Dicionário de Produtos e Ingredientes Para Cuidados Com o Cabelo, John Halal

Dictionary Portugese

Este livro procura ajudar o leitor a compreender melhor a composição dos produtos para tratamento de cabelos – incluindo xampus, condicionadores, modeladores e outros – e a ficar mais tranquilo quanto a sua eficácia e segurança. Ao final da obra é apresentada uma lista de referência e fontes como endereços e websites de instituições para obter dados adicionais.

Dicionário De Ingredientes De Produtos Para Cuidados Com O Cabelo (Em Portuguese do Brasil): John Halal: 9788573599657: Books

Allured Publishing
362 South Schmale Road
Carol Stream, IL 60188
(630) 653-2155

The Chemistry and Manufacture of Cosmetics, Volumes 1–3
Allured Publishing

Beginning Cosmetic Chemistry, Randy Schueller & Perry Ramanowski
Allured Publishing

Cosmetics and Toiletries Magazine
Allured Publishing

Global Cosmetic Industry Magazine
Advanstar Communications, Inc., Publisher
131 W. First Street
Duluth, MN 55802-2065
(800) 598-6008

Household and Personal Products Industry Magazine

The Society of Cosmetic Chemists (SCC)
120 Wall Street, Suite 2400
New York, NY 10005-4088
(212) 668-1500

The Society of Cosmetic Chemists, Monograph on Permanent Hair Dyes
Keith C. Brown and Stanley Pohl

The Society of Cosmetic Chemists, Monograph Number 7, Skin, Hair and Nail Structure and Function and Associated Diseases, Linda D. Rhein, Carolyn Peoples and Barbara Wolf

The Personal Care Products Council
Personal Care Products Council is the leading national trade association for the cosmetic and personal care products industry and the voice on scientific, legal, regulatory, and legislative issues for the personal care product industry. We are a leading and trusted source of information for and about the industry and a vocal advocate for consumer safety and continued access to new, innovative products.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
(202) 693-1888

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
(202) 401-2242 or (202) 205-4706

Edmund Scientific Company
Consumer Science Division
101 East Gloucester Pike
Barrington, NJ 08007-1380
(800) 728-6999

Microscopes, optics, biology, posters, chemicals, and assorted science projects and teaching aids.

4825 Stoddard Road
Modesto, CA 95356-9318
(800) 558-9595 or (209) 545-1600
Chemicals, laboratory equipment, biology, science projects, and teaching aids.

Tu-K Industries
5702 Firestone Place
South Gate, CA 90280
(800) 942-4TUK
All volumes of peroxide, containers, and disinfectants

American Association of Cosmetology Schools 
9927 E. Bell Rd.
Suite 110
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
800-831-1086 or 480-281-0431
Fax: (480)905-0993

The Professional Beauty Association (PBA)
15825 N 71st Street
Scottsdale, AZ 85254
(800 (703) 527-7600

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